Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Well here we are at the end of November with the Thanksgiving Holiday behind us. We enjoyed having Andrew, Sarah and their children here with us last week and it was amazing to see the changes in our grandchildren. I had swept our yard of leaves and bagged them for the garbage pickup, but Andrew raked up the leaves under our Cherry tree and the kids had a great time playing in the leaves.

Thanksgiving Day was unusual to say the least. I think I am correct, but this was the first time in our married life that we spent the holiday by ourselves. It was all right, but we missed our family and would have willingly had them all come home. But we know you were all doing well in a variety of places and we hope you had a good time. Tom and Johanna we were amazed that you pulled off the surprise so well and hope you and the kids had a great time at Disneyland.

Pam and I were going to have a nice quiet meal by ourselves, but as the day proceeded along, noon came and went and we decided to just go to Richfield and see what was open. Well not much was but we ended up stopping at Frontier Village on the north end of town and we had a wonderful meal and the place was packed with people like just like us. Who would have thought someone else s cooking would have tasted so good but think of the up side - no dishes!

Well the next big event of the week was "Black Friday." I think that is what it is called. I'm not sure because down here it's an event to be reckoned with. I planned to go over this morning to get a couple of things from K-Mart and Wal-Mart, but didn't wake up early enough (that's a novelty) and when I arrived at Wal-Mart the place was packed and anything I wanted was long gone. K-Mart was much the same and so I came home empty handed. Later in the day we returned to Richfield and had lunch and said goodbye to Weston who had to go to work and the rest of us did some shopping at Home Depot and Wal-Mart. There were still some bargains and the next picture is one of those bargains.

Yes we are now the proud owners of a 37" Vizio LCD television and it is wonderful and fits in nicely in the bedroom.

As summer follows spring, putting up the christmas tree and decorations follows Thanksgiving. Poor Erin gets roped into this every year and I hope she likes it. But today we began and I'm sure during the next week our house will be transformed into Christmas.

And of course one of the benefits of have Weston and Erin in the neighborhood is Kate. She was wonderful this weekend and lit up our day with her smiles.

So with that we come to the end of another Thanksgiving weekend with much gratitude in our hearts for the rich blessings we enjoy. We are blessed with such wonderful children an spouses and great grandchildren. We are humbled by your spirituality and desires to serve in your wards and neighborhoods. We salute you as we do our many friends and pray the Lord's choices blessings to continue to be with you.

1 comment:

Johanna said...

Nice post, Dad. It was great to hear about your day and see the pictures. We got home last night and I've spent the day in bed - SICK! I'll try to update our blog this week so you can hear all about Disneyland!