Saturday, April 19, 2008

For some time Pam has been experiencing pain in the toes of her right foot. It came from a bunion and finally was something she needed to address. Doctor Smith, from Monroe, examined and diagnosed the problem and recommended an operation to correct the splaying of the big and next toe. There were three parts: correction of a bunion, revision of the big oe, and removal of sesamoid bone (a bone embedded within a tendon). The 18th of April was the day for the operation and I skipped school to accompany Pam to the hospital at 11:00 am. She checked in at surgery admitting and paid the co-pay then we proceeded to an adjacent waiting room. About fifteen minutes later a surgical nurse, came in and took us to a room where Pam changed into a surgical gown and then we spent the next half an hour going over paper-work with the nurse, then an anesthetist and finally Doctor Smith. At 12:15 pm I said goodbye to Pam and she was wheeled away to the operating room. The surgery took about 2 hours and I didn't see her again until 3:30 pm. She was smiling and talkative and the only indication she had been in surgery was a boot on her right foot. A nurse gave us a detailed list of post-operative instructions about the care of the foot and medications, etc., and then she was wheeled to the front entrance where we loaded her into the van. Pam could walk – sort of, but needed to be very careful. The walking boot kept her foot rigid and she could shuffle along flat footed. She was starving so we drove through the drive-through at Arby’s and got a sandwich and drink. After filling two prescriptions we came home. Aunt Win and Erin and Kate were home when we arrived and we got Pam situated in bed and located some extra pillows to raise her foot above her heart. Surprisingly Pam spent a very good night and today (Saturday) she has been fairly pain free and I think a little tired of laying with her foot elevated. She will have to do this for several more days and then she can began to move about more. We will keep you advised.


Sarah said...

We are glad that everything went well and that you are not in to much pain now. Hopefully soon you will be up and walking with your new feet.

Unknown said...

Mom, remind me never to get old! Just kidding. Hopefully by now you are feeling much better and up and walking around.

Donnie and Kristi said...

Holy crap...I just discovered you had a blog! How did I miss this?